
Child’s play? Being a Parent Pilot: Elizaveta Demina

I should start this article by admitting it’s here for mostly selfish reasons. About six months ago my wife and I had our first child, of course plenty of people had told me it would change my life forever and I didn’t doubt that for a minute. What I wasn’t sure was how I would feel about flying and in fact risk taking in general after his birth.


Bombing Out

A combination of tandem flying and flying sites with limited landing options has meant that pushing for even short XC flights hasn’t been much of an option for me recently. But over the last few weeks I’ve had a bit more of a chance to explore the skies, as well as being able to bomb out properly in a number of different ways!


Amusing Aviation Anecdotes

Our latest Paragliding Podcast is called Amusing Aviation Anecdotes with Jug Aggarwal, Matt Beechinor, Alan Ford and Iain Frew and it’s just for fun! When you land out, you often find yourself in somewhat bizarre places, as is proved in this collection of funny retrieve and landing stories. In this podcast you will hear about why going cross-country can be the best adventure you’ll ever have; one of the coolest ways of getting back home ever, running from bulls and why to avoid yellow trucks in Oregon. Whether you fly XC or not, we hope you find this new series of paragliding anecdotes entertaining. If you know someone with a good flying story (or you have one yourself) please contact us at [email protected]

Listen to the podcast below:


Shhhh… don’t mention the S-word

We have just released a new podcast called Shhhh… don’t mention the S-word with Tim Bishop

Tim has a background in military and civil aviation and flies paragliders in Iceland. Our discussion centred on all sorts of aspects of flight safety… human factors, the usefulness of flight simulation, training, psychology, the difficulty of having productive safety discussions and a lot more.

Listen to the podcast here:


Love is in the air….

Love is in the air… getting hooked on flying

Remember those first few hops, when your feet first left the ground? Sweaty palms, beating heart, loss of appetite, feeling queasy? And then you couldn’t talk to anyone about anything else? You checked the weather obsessively?